Transform Your Home With Residential House Interior Painting Adelaide Services

Homeowners often face a variety of paint problems when repainting their homes. These issues may include peeling paint, uneven finishes, color variations, etc. In addition to being bothersome, These issues are inconvenient and may also detract from the overall value and appeal of your home. Fortunately, homeowners may discover various interior painting options for residential houses to help them resolve these concerns.

The solution is to hire R&K Coatings for residential house interior painting Adelaide who are skilled and have the expertise to address these issues and deliver quality results. Before painting, have a team of interior house painters in Adelaide thoroughly prepare the surface by filling any holes or cracks with sanding and using the appropriate primer.

Our residential house interior painting Adelaide services guarantee durable, superior results. Select the appropriate paint type and finish for the surface to be painted. You may have a beautifully painted home that looks nice and adds value by following these procedures and handling typical paint issues.

Our Painting Techniques

Wash through Colors

Paint the wall undercoat with semi-gloss paint. Our home painters Adelaide then apply the complementary color soaked in a sponge or cloth in a circular motion to the surface.

Sponge painting

For this painting process, all our exterior painters in Adelaide need is a sponge or paint roller dipped in the color of your choice and lightly applied over the existing wall paint. Thin layers of dye is used to create subtle effects, while thick layers of paint can be applied to create textured products. Be it an office painting Adelaide or a house painting, R&K coating covers them all. 

Roll a Rag

This style of painting is similar to the sponge and paint wash technique. Prepare a rag and fold it so that there is a crease. Next, dip a folded rag in the paint and press it randomly across the wall surface.

Strie painting

Our technique creates a vertical lining effect that resembles the look of linen fabric. To achieve this texture on the wall, apply two coats of satin paint as a base coat. Let dry for at least 4 hours. Then mix 4 parts glaze and 1 part paint. Ultimately, our house painters Adelaide, use a wide-bristle art brush or roller tool to apply the paint to the wall.

Ombre Effect

To give the residential house interior painting a new look such a paint effect, we measure and mark three equal parts of the wall horizontally. We apply a different color to each section, leaving a space between them. After painting the main areas, mix the colors of the top and middle teams to fill in the unpainted spaces.

Making Your House As Good As New

Our Work

Since 2020, we have provided proven experience and quality end-of-lease house and office painting Adelaide service.

We are Committed

We foster and build strong connections and make sure that you receive practical and realistic advice.

Quality Work

R&K Coatings use the most up-to-date materials and equipment.


We deliver our painting services with punctuality and within budge

100% Customer Satisfaction

To ensure customer satisfaction, we treat each assigned contract individually and with the utmost care.

All in all service

Our residential house interior painting Adelaide service providers take precautions to ensure Health & Safety measures.

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